Custom Artwork

Ever since I can remember, I have had a passion for the arts. Previously studying as a vocal jazz major, it took me some time before I realized that I wanted to get my hands dirty and delve into fine art. My favorite mediums to work with are oil or acrylic on large scale canvases, but recently I have dipped my toes into the use of spray paint as well.

I love creating photorealistic imagery, but I also enjoy making my paintings come to life through the use of psychedelic, attention-grabbing, or neon colors. I truly believe that color has the ability to make even the most uninteresting subject matter beautiful. One day I hope to own my own gallery, where I am able to show my originals, create commissions, and teach classes to hopeful art students just like me.

Click below to check out my gallery!

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Contact me below to get started on a custom piece.